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2023年08月30日 05:55


1 To be or not to be that is the question - Shakespeare Hamlet
2 To make a man out of a平板玻璃 is to give him a face - Goethe The煎蛋機 3 All that we can do we do with our might - Martin Luther King Jr I Have a Dream 4 The best and the brightest - JK羅琳 哈利波特 5 The world will not end if you stay up too late - Jane Eyre 簡愛 6 The most important thing in life is not how many friends you have but how many friends you make - Confucius 論語 7 Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get - The Great Gatsby F Scott Fitzgerald 8 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - seth Weinberg 雪崩 9 The only way to get to the top is to work your way down - business quote business success tips 10 You can't predict the future but you can control your actions - I Robot I Robot
    沙丘電影簡介英文版 1個回答 2024年10月06日 21:03 The movie "沙丘" (Dune) presents a mysterious and deeply moving hero's journey. Th... 全文 沙丘電影簡介英文版
    沙丘中英文版 1個回答 2024年10月06日 20:39 我們可以得出沙丘(Dune)這本書有中文版和英文版。中文版可以在亞馬遜的Kindle上購買電子書,當當網上也有中文版的紙質書。英文版可以在亞馬遜的Kindle上... 全文 沙丘中英文版
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